Ana: eating, gaming, tv, ice cream, gaming, out, gaming and...erm..gaming?
A big thank you to all fans who have been supporting us for the past 1 1/2 years. We appreciate all the kind words and encouragement that you've given to us
Ana: Will appreciate more if you start ordering..hohoho
Art: She's just kidding...
Ana: I mean shame no shame!
Ana: Please keep the comments/feedbacks coming though, I'll just hug my pillow
Here's a little heads up on our plans for the coming year. We will be revamping our products cake/cupcake/cookies; adding, removing and/or improving. These changes will be slow and gradual as next year will be a really busy year for us so please be patient with us.
Ana: Not gaming, personal stuff yo...
But there were also good times such as when clients love and enjoy the goodies that they received, when we complete orders without any hiccups or simply by taking nice photos...
Here's a little heads up on our plans for the coming year. We will be revamping our products cake/cupcake/cookies; adding, removing and/or improving. These changes will be slow and gradual as next year will be a really busy year for us so please be patient with us.
I will be sharing yet another recipe to celebrate our 500 likes, not from my mother's secret manual though. It will be adapted from my one and only store bought recipe book. I will try to finish the write up as fast as I can, hopefully before the end of the year...
- hey wait! Isn't that like tomorrow???